Inspirational | Overcoming Obstacles

3 Steps To Stop Driving Your Life Into the Ditch

What to do when you’re fish-tailing in a skid

Liberty Forrest
5 min readOct 17, 2021


smashed up car
(Photo courtesy of Mouring Kolhoff at

You know that heart-stopping panic that fills you with ice water…the kind when you’re driving along and suddenly, you’re in a skid. Your car fish-tails back and forth, back and forth, spitting gravel or spinning on ice. Visions of a rather messy and imminent death flash through your mind.

Your stomach flips as adrenalin floods your taut body. You grip the wheel in white-knuckled terror and you could swear your mouth is filled with cotton balls.

Those seconds hang like years, and you’re sure you’ve lost a few off your life after this too-close-call that leaves you shaken and trembling at the side of the road.

Growing up in Western Canada where the weather can be brutal and outrageously extreme, I learned how to drive in some pretty vicious conditions. There’s nothing like plowing through tons of snow on several inches of solid ice with a raging snowstorm obscuring your vision — by night.

Many of Canada’s country roads are gravel, which can send you into a nasty skid and land you in the ditch in as big a hurry as that ice under your wheels will do. This can make your vehicle roll or flip if the ditch…



Liberty Forrest

Creator of “Witchy” cartoon. Award-Winning Author. My PUBS: 1) The Afterlife; 2) First Line Fiction; 3) Hope Healing and Humour; 4) TheWitchyOne (for Witchy!)