About your manuscript, I just want to say that if you want to self-publish, I know someone who has taught thousands of authors how to use Amazon ads profitably. He offers a FREE 2-week event every 3 months (online) during which you can learn loads about how to do this.
They also give info on book covers, fonts and placement of title and your name based on genre, and all sorts of assistance of all aspects of publishing and selling.
There’s a 24/7 paid group called Ad School, which is excellent but I know authors who have generated $2K / month with a few books, just from the free event.
It might be a good idea to join one before you publish and ask loads of questions to give it the best possible chance. Needs to be written to market, you can learn about that and more so it sells.
Next event probably starts in a week or so, usually mid-October. Next one will be January.
Would also advise reading Chris Fox “Write to Market”.