Ahhhh, Rick! Another wonderful drabble with food for thought!!
I SO love your stories.
It bothers me such a lot to see how people are training / allowing their kids to become so dependent on screens to keep them busy - and isolated. Even little ones in high chairs get baby-proof tablets so they can watch videos while they eat??? What happened to sitting with your child and communicating and engaging with him/her during meal time??!
I'll leave it there, as it's a long list of this sort of thing that bothers me.
Many people already have enough trouble with shyness or not wanting to even smile at a passing stranger without giving them the excuse to whip out a phone and stare at it just as you're about to pass...
I worry about the future of humanity. We are becoming increasingly disconnected - and now there are robots bringing drinks etc. to tables in some restaurants. So much for being a lonely person who goes to a restaurant in hopes of having at least a little bit of a chat with a server.
I love the points you've made here. So necessary. Thank you!!!
And thank you for choosing HHH to publish, and for your kind shoutout and comment about HHH!! I appreciate you! 💜