Ahhhh, what a lovely story!!! Thank you so, so much for sharing this, H&W! You're not alone in feeling uninspired about your own surroundings; this is quite common. We get so used to something, we no longer see the beauty or uniqueness in it. Sometimes it takes another set of eyes to remind us of what we don't see anymore.
I found that a lot when I moved to England. I was always going on about how beautiful it was, and the locals would complain about it endlessly. But the ones I knew for a while would often later tell me that they had started to see their country through my eyes and it made them appreciate it more.
Your story works not just for places, but also for the people and countless other blessings in our lives that we can take for granted. It serves as a wonderful reminder for us to pay attention to them.
I'm deeply grateful to you for choosing HHH as "home" for this beautiful story. Thank you so much! 💜