An excellent article, David, thank you. I've only been here for seven weeks, I've published 78 articles and am happy to see a bit of money coming in and really need/want this to be my Day Job that supports me fully. I'm already doing everything you said - reading, commenting, engaging etc. - so important! Plus there's just such a lot of great stuff to read here!
I appreciated what you said about paying attention to stats and which articles get the most interest. Also fine-tuning bio. I've tried to keep mine light and fun - perhaps should consider what my focus seems to be becoming, and re-write the bio.
It was also an encouraging read after one last night saying about how Medium is dying and people can't/won't earn much anymore etc... I've seen those popping up more and more and it's so disheartening. I feel like I've always been two minutes too late to the party my whole life - always just catching onto a great idea that I think will be the answer I've been looking for, only to discover that I've just missed the boat.
Writing is my passion; I'm an award-winning author of several books and have had articles and columns in numerous newspapers and magazines around the world for years. All I've wanted for decades is to generate a full-time income from writing and I hope - pray - that Medium will make that happen for me.
Fingers crossed!
Thanks for this article. Wishing you continued success!