Awww, Denée! You are so lovely!!! Thank you so much for reading this and for your kind and compassionate thoughts!
Painkillers make me hurl so I never take them. I sure didn't need to be constantly barfing and nauseous - and also very dopey - on top of trying to navigate with the leg brace, walker etc.
I don't want your heart to be hurting! I appreciate the sentiment but our bodies hear our words. Your heart is listening to you, so please don't say those words!
Plus - I'm okay now, my beautiful, kind friend and soul sister! Or at least, I'm a lot more okay than I was back then. It's not time to be sad! It was horrible for a long time, but even then I was still grateful every moment, knowing it was temporary, knowing my body was healing. It still is. My knee is still swollen and warm to the touch. Lots of little workers in there on scaffolding, hammering and nailing and drilling and fixing things! I love them for that.
Pain is only 'now and then' and it is quite manageable. It doesn't matter that I can't fully bend my leg and have some limitations. The things I can't do are not urgent. If this is as good as it gets, I'm okay with that because I can walk again!!! It's kinda limpy, and stairs are ... well, I can do them with a good strong railing! So yay! I can live independently!
I am fine and happy and I love my life and I am so grateful!
Please say your heart is HAPPY! 💜💜💜