Awww, Denée! What a great story! I love the cheery energy in this! Your enthusiasm is so much fun!
Thank you for sharing this on HHH!! If there's anything that can lift our spirits when we're sagging a bit, it's taking a moment to remember to cheer ourselves on and remember how far we've come.
Thank you, too, for your kind share of the pub link! That was really lovely of you!
By the way - I got a notification of a private note in response to mine but you deleted it so I don't know what you said.
Thank you for addressing my concern! It was far more for you than for me or HHH, but neither of us needs the potential repercussions.
Oh - I just noticed - you forgot to credit the last photo! Could you please do that and also be sure you've done the Alt texts on all of the photos? Medium prefers these little things!
Thanks so much again for your lovely submission. Even though I was already in an upbeat mood, I felt even more energised after reading this!
Beautiful job, Denée! Thank you! 💜