Awww, Lisa, congratulations!! I know it's been a long and painful journey to get to this point and I'm so so so happy for you!!!!!
As I think I shared with you some time ago, I adopted my grandson, too, although in different circumstances. My daughter had been off the rails for years but in a moment of selflessness (well, a few months) and wanting to do the right thing, when she was pregnant at 14 and had been living on the streets she agreed to give up her baby for adoption.
But the birth plan she had with the people (our friends) she had chosen fell through 2 days after Jacob's birth (from their side, being disrespectful of our desire to take pictures of him and other ridiculously controlling things).
So my husband and I adopted him (he was not her biological father). It has all worked out well in terms of the adoption - but her own life - and his - have been train wrecks due to their own choices.
Anyway - I understand about the confusion in relationships! Jacob is now 7 months younger than the baby I was carrying while his birth mother was pregnant with him. She is now his sister and biological aunt, and his eldest sister is also his bio mother.
I'm thrilled for you, Lisa. You are such a beautiful, loving soul for having been willing to take care of this precious boy and make him your son. He is absolutely adorable!! A sweet, sensitive child!
Thank you for sharing!