Awww, Qaiser! This made me weepy (in the good way)! By the end, I had the biggest smile on my face and those few little tears bubbling up because I'm happy for you. I'm glad you're taking those baby steps toward feeling better about yourself.
I grew up in a home where there were no "I love yous" or hugs or compliments etc. In fact, a lot of abuse and insults. So I ended up hating myself and thinking I didn't deserve to take up space on the planet. I detested compliments!! Didn't know what to do with them!
I'm so glad to have healed my way through that, and I did it with baby steps, just like you're doing. You have such a lovely spirit and gentle soul and you're so creative and kind, always respectful (Oh, I can just HEAR you getting uncomfortable over there!). I'm glad you're working on healing so you will someday see all there is to appreciate about yourself.
Thanks so much for your kind shoutout and for sharing a link to my pub! That was so thoughtful of you!
Thank you for sharing this, Qaiser. There will be many who can relate to your beautiful words. I appreciate you! 💜