Awww, what a sweet response! You are adorable. THANK YOU for sharing all of that for me.
You said Brandon - I assume you mean Lawrence?!
And yeah, I didn't get any of that back story from reading what you wrote.
Yep, I'm busy, but I'm also here to help, and I see that you have great potential as a writer and am happy to assist if I can. You're quite welcome to ask questions and I'll do my best to be of service.
If you want to re-do this story, you can delete it and resubmit (because I have no deadlines for the prompts, so no pressure with time). I'm not suggesting you do it - just saying if you want to, that's an option.
(It would also make this comment thread disappear so copy/paste my earlier notes if you want to keep them)
You can also contact me off Medium if you want, if you have questions or are stuck with a story. I hate those stupid little private notes. People don't get notifications, I have to keep checking to see if they're replied, and/or track them down and leave a comment on another of their stories and tell them to check - and they can't see them on their phones. blah blah blah.
And you can hardly write anything on them and have to leave 174 notes for one meaningful message!
So if you want to connect off Medium, please feel free to contact me by emailing through my website: