Awwww, thank you! What a lovely message! I appreciate your kind comments about HHH and me! π
Yep, I am totally confident about your writing, and although I have some other excellent writers, you are the only one who gets the "publish first, read second" treatment.
Whenever I see one of your drafts, it's like finding a SPLENDACIOUS gift!!! And on actual gifts, I am painful about slowly picking off the tape and undoing the ribbon etc. and not wanting to rip the paper (no idea why but I can't just tear into a present like they do on TV, or the way little kids do!).
Or when it's one of your drafts! I can't wait to read it! It's an OOOHHH GOODIE!!!!! moment and I can't wait to click on it, hit "publish" and then enjoy the read!
I do hope it continues to grow; this recent No-tagging thing might change things quite a bit because there's so much traffic on Medium, it's easy for people to be kept busy elsewhere.
I can only do my best - which I will, of course.
Thank you so much for your ongoing support and encouragement!! πππ