Daniel, I love that you responded to the 'water' newsletterish and shared more about how you overcame your phobia of water. I appreciate you sharing the journey, including how you gave up the first time and how much that upset you.
I think it's pretty incredible that you wanted to continue and something inside you was pushing you forward to overcome this fear and learn to swim.
And look at what you've accomplished because of it!
Truly fantastic!
As you know, I have a phobia about it because of a near-drowning experience when I was just a toddler.
Apart from dreading having to take lessons in gym class (and then that very lucky "break" with my elbow!), it hasn't been an issue for me.
There are two parts to it, I guess. One is the phobia of drowning, the other is that I'm like a cat around water! I just don't like it and I have absolutely no interest in spending time in water that isn't in my tub or shower. I hate getting it in my eyes or eyelashes. Even in a shower, I have to keep a towel handy and am constantly wiping my eyes.
And I cannot imagine being seen in a bathing suit!!!!!! I am quite modest and wouldn't be caught dead in anything so revealing. I wear ankle length gowns and I use shawls and loose, drapey clothing.
I do think about what it would be like if I didn't have the fear, AND if I LIKED the idea of being in a pool or lake/ocean. I would imagine it's quite wonderful if you want to be there!
But ew. I do NOT! LOL!
Your story is so inspiring though, Daniel. It amazes me that you put yourself in such a challenging situation and insisted on overcoming that phobia. It's not easy!!! I have overcome other ones in my life, so I understand how it feels.
Thank you for sharing your story, and choosing HHH to publish!!
I'm so looking forward to seeing you tomorrow! Yay!