Dear Dr Preeti,
Thank you for the nice things you said about my interview of you. I am so glad you laughed but I hope you got your head re-attached! I did not know a head could fall off from laughing. 😳
I am happy that you think I have a good imagination and made a great story. Yes, I am sure you are the one I interviewed! Unless someone sneaked into your computer by climibing inside and making up answers that came from your email. Oh, dear! Do you really think that happened? Do you really think I might have interviewed the wrong person? Oh, no! That would be terrible! 😱
You look so pretty in that red dress and your jewellery. I like the red in your hair, too.
If that was really you I interviewed, thank you for participating! If it wasn't, uh-oh. 😳
Witchy love 💜