Gosh, Catherine, that's so awful. I haven't had a child die, but one is in jail for first-degree murder, one is such a raging alcoholic I don't know how she's still alive, and she is shockingly verbally abusive to everyone, especially when drinking - and well, there's no point getting into the rest of the misery.
I am just so deeply grateful that I have one out of my five children who is an absolute gem and a beautiful human. I'm honoured and lucky to be her mum. Sadly, decades of parenting the others have been nothing short of way too many nightmares.
Mother's Day always rubs all of that in my face, not hearing from them 'because' ...
And all those years I took them for counselling as kids were useless.
However - there is so much for which I'm grateful. I've created a good life for myself and I choose to focus on the good things. It doesn't mean I never hurt, but I do the best I can with what I've got. I would imagine you can relate to that.