Gosh, Gratiela! Thank you so much for your beautiful comments about me and this pub! What a lovely surprise! You've sure got my day off to a wonderful start. And thank you for sharing the pub submission guidelines, too! 💜
You're such a good mum - all the thing you're concerned about and your attitudes toward parenting. When I read your stories, I always feel the deep love and concern you have for your children.
As you asked for your readers' thoughts, I would like to offer something that I hope will help a little.
I can understand your concern about the recent changes in your daughter's behaviour. And here's the thing: consider the the quote you shared about turning mirrors into windows - and what you've said about wanting your daughter to be able to face challenges etc. as she grows to adulthood. The only way we grow is when we're stretched, and sometimes the stretching is uncomfortable. We can't learn if we're not challenged to do it, if we don't experience things that we don't like, or that make us have to confront our fears or learn to speak up or figure out how to adapt in new situations.
We can't grow into adults who can face challenges if we haven't experienced any, and if we haven't ever been pushed to face things we don't like so we learn how to overcome them, learning more about ourselves and our strengths in the process.
If you don't exercise little-used muscles, they will never get stronger. Same with our insecurities, our weaknesses. If we never have to confront them, they will keep us stuck and small, living tiny, fearful lives.
School is for learning - as you said, more than just about books etc. And life is for learning, too.
Children are ultimately far more resilient than adults in many ways. We get set in our ways as we age, but children are still usually more pliable, malleable, open to learning and adapting. That's how we've survived as a species.
When your children face challenges and situations that make them uncomfortable, it's a good thing. It gives them an opportunity to adapt - a huge survival skill and important tool that will be required in adulthood. When things don't go our way as adults, we have to KNOW we can figure out solutions. We have to have had experience in understanding our own strength and ability to find another way, to problem-solve.
Imagine if your daughter grew up and had a job she loved and got on great with the boss. Then the boss leaves and is replaced by someone she doesn't like or maybe there's some aspect of the job she doesn't want to do. She has to be able to adapt, to draw on her ability to change as required, she can't just quit job after job if she doesn't like something.
So when she's experiencing discomfort about new teachers etc. - as long as there's nothing untoward happening, of course! - this is all good. it's serving to help her learn how to adapt and find new ways of being in different situations. It shows her the strength she might not know she has.
I hope this helps.
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful, thoughtful story on HHH. I'm grateful to be able to publish it! 💜