Hahahaha! Samuel, that's hilarious! Nope, I do not go around with a fake long nose etc. So sorry to disappoint you but no video for that!
Yeah, I don't know why he chose "the Church of Satan" - love your Church of Santa idea though!
I'm aware that satan means adversary or accuser in Hebrew (I am Jewish, though no longer observant). And LaVey's concepts for the church are not about being either accusatory or adversarial.
Actually, Wikipedia sums up his general thoughts pretty well:
"The religion's doctrines differ from the popular image of Satanism as the worship of an evil supernatural entity. Adherents do not consider Satan to be a literal being or entity, but a positive archetype representing pride, carnality, and enlightenment. They embrace him as a symbol of defiance against Abrahamic religions, which adherents criticize for suppressing humanity's natural instincts and encouraging irrationality. Church doctrines are based on materialism and philosophical naturalism, rejecting the existence of the supernatural (including Satan and God), body-soul dualism, life after death, and the view that mankind are above animals and exist in an moral universe. It promotes a philosophy based on individualism and egoism, coupled with Social Darwinism and anti-egalitarianism. LaVey valued success, 'not evil for its own sake'..."
LaVey's desire for showmanship and attention aren't "my thing." However, I do think he had some great ideas and I love and appreciate many of the "Satanist" concepts.
Love your 'hot mess' comment, too (followed by the drum/cymbal!!)
Thank you for reading this and for sharing your considered thoughts!!! Always a pleasure to spend a little time with you!