Liberty Forrest
May 25, 2024


HD, I'm sitting here in tears.....this is so incredibly beautiful. There's so much warmth and love in your words, every child should have such a father as you. Heaven knows I wish I'd such a family as you've created. I didn't grow up in one, and I failed miserably at attempting to provide one for my children.

I'm astonished, too, by the food you prepared!! I am mightily impressed! Absolutely wonderful!

I am also deeply touched by your kind shout-out, share, and comments about me and HHH. I'm honoured to have you as a contributor, and wow, did you ever come out of the gate with both barrels blazing!

Thank you for this beautiful piece, HD. It is so lovely and I'm grateful to you for choosing as its home. Big hugs to you.



Liberty Forrest

Creator of “Witchy” cartoon. Award-Winning Author. My PUBS: 1) The Afterlife; 2) First Line Fiction; 3) Hope Healing and Humour; 4) TheWitchyOne (for Witchy!)