interesting way to describe certain stories! I think if I had any that felt that way, I wouldn't actually write them!
Unless what I'm talking about is what you mean and how it feels for you.
For example, when I wrote "Before My Son Killed a Man," it took a good 6 weeks of taking it out and staring at the tiny bit I'd written. Finding old photos, dredging up memories and a lot of feelings. I knew what I wanted to say generally, because the title had been in my head for ages. I just really didn't know where to start.
It was like a soup in my head, a soup full of memories and feelings and not knowing how to put them together in a cohesive, clear way. And no idea how to start.
It didn't feel like kicking and screaming, it was just too overwhelming to face all of the emotions and dive into who he was versus what he did. It was much harder to write that piece than the first one I wrote about him (the one that said more about the incident, and about his whole journey). That was hard, too, but this was much more painful.
It was just that there was too much emotion to wade through, on top of trying to figure out how to construct the story in a meaningful way. I had to wait till I'd stuck my toe in those waters enough over several weeks that I felt like I could face it because I knew it was gonna take at least a few solid days of writing and being immersed in it once I got started.
This might be your definition of kicking and screaming - a very cool description, for sure!