Inspirational | Spirituality

How To Be Truly Powerful — And Still Be Respected

Understanding what it really means

Liberty Forrest
4 min readOct 25, 2021


tiger in the snow
Photo courtesy of Pixabay Free for Use (CCO) on Pexels

Your perception of power and what makes anyone powerful, no matter who it is, is all in your mind. It is what you believe it to be.

If you attach your sense of power and control to sources outside yourself (e.g. job, status, relationship, money, car etc.), you become vulnerable and fearful because these can be lost. In a state such as that, you might then try to take power and control from others.

In general, we tend to place too much emphasis on power that comes from external sources. The more of it people have, the more value we place on those people.

But if you take away whatever it is that we see as giving them power (money, status, job etc.), they become just like everyone else — vulnerable and fearful.

I remember Edith Bunker on “All In The Family” saying, “I can imagine the Queen brushing her teeth, but I can’t imagine her spittin’ it out!”

Here’s the Truth

If you take away the title of “Queen” and everything associated with it, she’s just a regular person like the rest of us.



Liberty Forrest

Creator of “Witchy” cartoon. Award-Winning Author. My PUBS: 1) The Afterlife; 2) First Line Fiction; 3) Hope Healing and Humour; 4) TheWitchyOne (for Witchy!)