I didn't know you were a nominator! How lucky for you!! At least it's a little extra money - little because they're hardly accepting any nominations anymore!!
I've applied with three of my pubs but was turned out.
I know what you mean - being Canadian, the cost for us is about $225 for FoM. I won't be renewing in September. If I'm still here, it'll be a regular one for about $75 CAD.
I'm so shocked by the response to this!!! Published 22 hours ago and 15.3K claps and 305 comments. Yep, I hit a nerve, all right.
And it's about much more than the money. There are other issues here, too. And yes - well said, Barb, about feeling scammed. I feel that way, too.
Thank you so much for taking the time to come back and share your thoughts!