I love this. Women feel so much pressure to have babies, it's ridiculous. And no, in my opinion it is certainly not selfish not to have them if you don't want them!! You're doing those unwanted children a favour by allowing them not to be born (that was a weird sentence!).
Why should all women be expected to want children?? People don't all love the same things. We like different foods, different hobbies, different careers. Why should we be expected to mindlessly procreate just because have the parts for the job?? It's so stupid.
Good for you - doing the RIGHT thing for you!
And I hear you on not wanting to give up your precious alone time!! I was still raising my own kids when my eldest was having babies. I had ONE day a week when my younger kids were with their dads - Sundays - and my daughter was so annoyed with me because I didn't want to look after her two very young children. She said I was a crap grandmother, selfish etc. Should want to look after them anytime and give her a break.
Hello??? I'd paid my dues with a lot of single parenting when there was no dad around to help or give me a break. She at least had a husband at the time!
If other people don't like your choices, too bad for them! Their issues are not your responsibility.