I understand. I felt like that for quite a while about two of my ex husbands. It was awful.
There’s no easy answer for how to move past this but it IS possible. It’s way too complex a situation for me to handle here. You’d do well to find a reputable counsellor who deals with the issues you’re struggling with.
There are other things you can do, too, spiritual things like cutting spiritual cords, protecting yourself energetically, working at changing your thoughts (look up CBT, read up on it because that’s essentially what that is and it’ll help).
And also working on increasing self-esteem because that increases your vibration and helps get you in a different frequency from his. When you love and value yourself deeply, you will naturally move away from loving anyone who could treat you poorly. You’ll wonder what you ever saw in him.
You can do this. If you want to be happy and create a better life, you’ll have to keep choosing that over him and doing whatever it takes to get there.
Others have done it. I’ve done it. You can, too.