I understand what your comment meant. I was only saying that although this season shouldn't have those elements in it, for too many people it does.
We are saying the same thing. Just in different ways. You misunderstood my reply. Not saying grief or sadness SHOULD be a part of the holidays. Not at all! But whatever they're supposed to be about, the reality is that not everyone gets to enjoy the good parts and there's a lot more pain than anything.
It's like saying there's no room in marriage for abuse. Well, there shouldn't be! Marriage should have nothing to do with anger and violence and control. It's supposed to be about love and respect and mutual support etc. But it's not always like that.
Hope that now you understad what I meant!
And yes - a lot of people struggle emotionally during the holidays (and year-round) - which was the point of this piece. Christmas isn't all sweetness and light for a lot of people because it rubs their noses in all that's missing and wrong in their lives.
Thank heaven for healing - but sad that not everyone goes down that road.
Thanks again for dropping in :)