Interestingly, this was the subject of my pub newsletterish this week! Trying to be perfect is so destructive.
One thing that has helped me in lots of situations (not just perfectionism) when other people are involved is to ask myself, what would I want if the shoe were on the other foot?
If you were going to the homes of these other people, I suspect you wouldn’t want them stressing and wrecking themselves over it being perfect…?
Great story about your mum, and especially her talking to you. This is the kind of story that is the reason I started my pub, The Afterlife.
I’ve had experience with spirits lobbing items off shelves in ways that they couldn’t have possibly just fallen off. Even saw it happen once. 🫣
If you have any more of these, I’d love to publish in The Afterlife if you’re interested!
Great story! How lovely that your mum sent such a clear message, and you were open to receiving it. 😀