It was an excellent article! My pleasure to read, thank you!
And thank you for your interest in my work. I discovered my abilities as a child (a terrifying experience, no one was talking about this stuff back then). Through the years, my abilities continued to develop.
Eventually, I began doing professional readings. Did approximately monthly "psychic phone-ins" on BBC for about five years. Did stage work as a medium, connecting audience members with loved ones in spirit.
Did private readings too, for many years but not doing them now except as you'll see below.
I have a couple of options for you.
The first option:
I do 1:1 consultations to help with clarity, direction, guidance, "getting unstuck" etc. These consultations often include a couple of Oracle cards but they're not the main thing. And although I am no longer doing prediction-based "readings," per se, if a message comes through, or a spirit pops in, I pass the messages along and a spontaneous reading happens.
Earlier this year, I dramatically lowered my fee to assist those who have been financially hit hard by Covid.
That special price will be ending shortly.
If you're interested, you can book an appointment for Option 1 here:
And Option 2:
I've got a special offer on Oracle card messages via either email or video.
You can see the offers here - just click on the "commissions" tab (I'd call it something other than that, but they don't let you change it!). You will see various goodies there, including the Oracle messages. If you have questions, let me know! Probably best to do that through my website:
Thank you for your interest in my work - and you're so cute not to ask for free shit!! Funny but when people DON'T ask, sometimes I do give them free shit!