Marilyn, thank you so much for sharing your story with me. I can sure relate to a lot of what you said ... It was so frustrating to me, too, doing all that vision board stuff and saying all the right things, blah blah blah - but at the centre of my soul, all was not well. I could never allow money into my life until I began to heal that stuff.
I hope what I've shared here will help you, Marilyn. If you're able, please do get the three books I mentioned. I didn't put enough emphasis on the Science of Getting Rich but wow, I LOVE that book, have so much of it highlighted (which I don't usually do in books), and I've read it a LOT. All three were life-changing - and of course, shifting my attitude and welcoming money like a dear friend - THAT was massive.
Please let me know how you get on, okay? I'll be thinking of you ... 💜💜💜