No apologies necessary, Lauren. You had every right to your feelings and to write that piece as you saw fit.
I wouldn't have even mentioned making a slight change or addition to it if you hadn't told me about this piece and said you were concerned about how I'd take it.
I felt as though you had opened the door to this conversation and wouldn't mind if I shared my thoughts, but it's your piece, it was your experience. You don't owe me or anyone else anything, an explanation, an apology, or even making a change to what you wrote. But you're sweet to do it - such a kind soul!
I'm still horrified on your behalf. I knew a woman who did that sort of thing many years ago, it was dreadful. In fact, it's in my drafts as one of the stories I was planning to tell on this topic.
I'm so glad you're all right - what an ordeal with your heart!!!!!!!
And yes, thank you - it was a lovely weekend, and now Monday again - hope you have a beautiful week!