Oh, gosh, Janet! This SO needed saying! Thank you for this compelling article.
Some of us are born to be those fearless, in-your-face types who are leaders who fight for their convictions. Some of us are not. I am not. I'm somewhere in the middle - much like you, I expect. I can express my opinions and speak up, say how I feel, make my case - but over the years, I've discovered (through many painful lessons) that not everything needs to be said. Not every battle needs to be fought. Not every person needs to hear my opinion.
So I choose the times and people and topics. And there are an awful lot of topics I keep to myself. It's just not worth the energy to try to be one of those people I am not.
We're all different; we don't have to speak up and fight for our beliefs. We can quietly live them and be role models or teachers or be leading by example in that way. Those who need the awareness that might bring will get it.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this important topic, and for choosing HHH as its home. I'm honoured to publish it, Janet. Thank you!