Oh, jeez, Nathan. I heart you. I really, really do! What a wonderful take on one of my favourite books/films ever! I adore this story for so many reasons, probably the biggest one being the absolute bloody freedom she experienced. Having left home at 16 and being engaged (oh dear Lord) and then a divorced mum by 19 - and having more marriages, kids, divorces, single parenting etc. for the next few decades - I was always responsible to or for someone else, at least one kid or husband or a roommate or pets - and for the past 12 years or so, it's just been me. I can come and go as I please, keep my own hours, I don't answer to anyone.
But it sure wasn't like that for most of my life so yeah, the sense of freedom I got from this story just blew my doors off, as it was before I had the complete freedom I have now.
And how delicious that she got to do it on an advance from her publisher for the book she was going to write about the experience (and I suspect they ended up with a lot more income from it than either of them expected, given the film, too, and the longevity of both).
Thanks for another fabulously fun and clever read! I appreciate you!!