Ohhh, Sasha is such a sweetheart! My friend, I feel your pain. I don't really have much of a sweet tooth - not so it's a huge problem - but I've definitely been craving sweets since menopause. Prior to that, I could take it or leave it, and always reduced the sugar in my baking, could have a Snickers bar in the fridge and just cut a thin slice off it now and then. It would last for weeks.
Now, I want to eat that stuff - although I usually do NOT. But the craving is there.
I never ate desserts unless I was having company for dinner, then would make a fruit pie (not a lot of sugar) and serve it with only slightly sweetened whipped cream.
What I've really begun craving since menopause is ice cream (only the good stuff that's all natural - Haagen Dazs or any that don't have artificial stuff).
And crisps. Also since menopause. I used to eat a crazy healthy bird-food diet and rarely ate junk food, and then menopause changed everything. Suddenly, I was craving fat and carbs. I don't cave nearly as often as I'd like, but I'm definitely not having the same ridiculously healthy diet I did back then - and along with the natural menopausal weight gain, there's extra because of this.
I used to eat anything in sight and was always underweight. I miss my skinny self - not that I'm massive but I'm heavier than feels good.
Thanks for sharing a bit of your journey with this, and well done on all that resisting! I know how hard it is!!!!
Thank you for the lovely shout-out and share of my story, and thanks so much for choosing HHH for this piece!! I appreciate you! 💜