Ohhhh, Caroline!! I'm so, so sorry for your loss! And it's so recent! I'm sure it WILL get easier with distance - but it's only a matter of weeks!! It's a huge adjustment and it's going to take some time before those terribly rough edges of grief begin to soften.
You'll have a lot of 'firsts' in the coming year, and you've got to get used to living a new way and filling the space in your time where your soulmate was.
Please give yourself time and grace to begin to heal - as much as we ever "heal" in that case. More like "learn to live without that person."
You're right - an emotional roller coaster. Better to allow the feelings. Stuffing them is never good.
And know that the new road will continue to appear, and in time, those glimpses will become longer and clearer.
I'm sending you loads of big hugs - and I thank you for yours!
Wishing you whatever it is you need to help you through this difficult time. Much love 💜💜💜