Recent decades kids are more coddled and entitled. Creating a culture of selfishness and self-importance. And labels!!! Millennials love labels. And they want to be noticed for their labels. Their diagnoses. They need to be singled out as special for these “differences.” The LGBTQ (?) label has now been extended to include half the alphabet. We are supposed to list our pronouns ????? I refuse. We aren’t supposed to say “he or she” anymore. We get our heads torn off for not including others who don’t feel like either one of those fits.
The more people are saying “look at me, I’m different and you need to notice” and insisting on being recognized, the more others are screaming about being left out or needing to be included.
This “cancel culture” and “inclusivity” stuff has got way out of control. They take themselves way too seriously and demand to be noticed. They silence the rest of us and force us to respect their feelings and in doing so, they are the only ones allowed to be heard now.
Big topic, too much for this comment section I suppose. But there’s a snippet for you.