Silent walks with God. Yes. Perfect. I love that, Darlene. And it sounds like exactly what you need. Some time to have your thoughts and feelings to yourself, to have enough quiet that whatever is trying to bubble up and is holding you hostage (or trying) will finally have the space to be heard.
I'm glad you can hear the lies for what they are, and that you recognise one place you can start toward feeling better. Movement is good. Baby steps are good. Silent walks with God are wonderful.
Thank you so much for sharing this, Darlene. No doubt many will resonate with it.
I hope you'll write again about how your silent walks with God are going...maybe a little update every couple of weeks? Those of us who care about you will want to know how you're doing. And it might help with the accountability you said you wanted.
Sending you my best healing hugs 💜