Sobering…tragic that we’ve ended up here.
So many reasons to fear what lies ahead and that day was certainly a turning point in terms of how I viewed everything. I know I wasn’t alone.
Even in Calgary, 2,400 miles from NYC, it was a terrifying day, distraught for your country and fearing that ours was next. Wondering if a nuclear world war was going to begin at any minute.
Fearing for the world, for my children … everything changed that day, not just in the US. Not just in tighter security at airports around the globe. Everything changed in our hearts, our minds, our beliefs, our ability to trust, and our hopes for the future.
The world felt crazy and sinister, as if nowhere was safe anymore. Not even our homes. Because if suicidal madmen could fly airplanes into buildings and kill thousands of people, nothing was beyond the realm of possibilities. Perhaps plowing planes into completely unexpected residential areas — like in unsuspecting Canada or in Calgary — was next.
Nothing was an unreasonable “What if?” anymore.
It felt as though suddenly, evil lurked around every corner and we were all waiting for the next shoe — or building — to drop.
Bullet-proof backpacks for school kids???????
I have no words.
Thank you for sharing your reflections. Beautifully stated, as usual. ❤️