Suzie! I love this! Thank you so much for sharing this information. Fascinating about the four stages. I'm definitely mainly in hermit stage but after my 50th move (last year) I've been focusing on building yet another 'nest' for myself, and am also noticing in recent years how my thoughts often shift to preparation for 'what's next' - or perhaps more like just acknowledging the growing awareness of how little time I have left. Even if it's 30 years - it goes too fast. The last 30 went in a blink.
I'm at an age where although I would be considered "too young to die" it's also an age at which it's not at all uncommon either, so I'm aware that there just might not be much sand left in the top of my hourglass.
So my "4" thoughts keep me focused on the "3" stage of how to spend my energy.
Love this, Suzie. Thank you! 💝