Thank you!! I'm grateful for your kind comments. Yeah - maybe it's time to do that book. Can't tell you how often I've been asked to do it, and how often I've hauled it out and done a little work on it - but it's never been the right time.
Maybe this is it. I guess we'll see!
By the way - as you're new to Medium - I thought I should mention. As much as I love all your little comments as you're reading, if you do this a lot while reading people's stories, you'll likely find yourself in what we call "Medium jail" - or "Medium comments jail."
It's too weird but on one hand, they encourage engagement. On the other hand, if you do it too much, they send you to your room without comments.
You will reach a point where you try to comment but it won't let you publish it. And you can't comment for several hours.
Might want to limit yourself when reading, or keep adding your thoughts to one comment (It'll save while you keep reading, as long as you don't refresh the page).
Thanks so much again for reading this story!!! And for your glowing feedback! 💜