Thank you!!! I’ve been chipping away at this with my journal for a while, and slowly getting more of an awareness in allowing and letting go and all sorts of layers to it. Last night, more again.
What’s extra cool is that I read your link about the saboteurs and although I used to struggle with a few of them, I don’t anymore. So I did a quiz about it, wondering if I’m missing something in my awareness and results said I’m neutral and there aren’t any signs of self-sabotage!
I’ve been questioning myself about that for ages, wondering if it’s sabotage or merely that I’ve fallen into habits I might want to change or is it just that my desires and interests have changed. Last night, I discovered it’s mostly the latter.
It was quite a revelation and a relief to get to this awareness. So once again, thank you for your brilliant article!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💖💖💖