Thank you for asking, Victoria! The pain is quite manageable and not constant. What's more frustrating is the range of motion and the inability to use the leg fully. Also I still have trouble with balance at times, so although I can hobble through my home without a cane (because I can grab furniture or a wall to steady myself when I'm suddenly about to tip over), I wouldn't leave here without it.
I can't even contemplate kneeling on it (oh, dear Lord...that makes my stomach turn, as the knee is still massively swollen and still has nerve damage). I can't squat all the way, and getting down onto the floor and back up again are definitely not attractive but at least I can do it now - carefully!
Also need to build strength in the quadriceps again. Can't believe a muscle can be ripped right off a bone!! Ew! And reattached! So all the bits that support it also need to be strengthened.
Ever so slowly, my leg is improving. I can sort of sit with legs crossed - kind of - but with concessions - e.g. pillows to prop it up, and not having it bent fully etc. I keep trying, and am seeing sloooooow improvements. Praying that one day, it will be fully usable again.
Thank you for asking. You are so kind! 💜