Thank you for sharing all of that! It's actually much more habit than addiction. In my opinion, if it were a true addiction, we wouldn't be able to sleep several hours at night without it, or go on long-haul flights for 10, 12, 14 hours etc. without a cigarette. Or be in hospital for days or a week or more, and not be allowed to smoke.
If we really "needed" a cigarette physically every 30 minutes or hour, or whatever we're used to, we would become quite sick with the same kinds of physical withdrawal symptoms that heroin addicts get.
Give yourself credit! You deserve it! It's an extremely tough habit to break. It always amazes me that people who have a bad cold or go to hospital or some other reason "can't" smoke for several days will hurry up and start again as soon as they're able! Why?!?!??!
Good job!!