Thank you for this thought-provoking article. I can relate to not being a morning person (understated) but at times in my life when I had no choice but to live that way, I did manage to function but did it best if I got up earlier than necessary to do things that would help get me going. Half hour of yoga, half hour of meditation, then I’d cast a circle (Wiccan thing) and spend 45-60 minutes at my altar doing spiritual work, or sitting in inward reflection etc.
It was sooo worth giving up my late nights to go to bed about 10-10.30 and get up at 5 so I could have my wits about me, feel centred and in balance, ready for a busy day with kids and work etc.
As much as I loved the many years after my kids left home and I could stay up all night and do as I pleased, I wasn’t nearly as productive as I was when I made the effort to get good at self-discipline.
I’ve given up my rather hedonistic lifestyle (she says somewhat wistfully) but I’m so glad to be making much better use of my time. And I’m finally sleeping better than I did for all those years when I kept and erratic and irregular lifestyle. Yay!