Thank you for your comments, Janin. As I said in here, I don't begrudge the person this salary if this is the going rate for pay and benefits (I've been told by several that it is - or maybe a little high).
That's not the problem.
It's that Medium tells us they're struggling and don't have any money. And it's not entirely about the money. It's the deeper issue of the way we're treated - ignored, they don't tell us anything, they don't seem to value or appreciate or respect us.
Tony S said they have no investors. What are we??? We're supporting this company, not just with our membership money but with our time, energy, skill - our life experience - we provide the money for them to have their fabulous salaries and benefits and unlimited paid time off etc., PLUS we provide ALL the content that they're selling to readers.
And he has the nerve to say they have no investors.
So we are upset because we feel completely disrespected and unappreciated.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.