Thank you, Katy! Well, to be honest, I've had a lot of practice. Lots of times I've been forced to let go of more stuff. And then another Big Thing and had to let go of more. And more. And more. The one I talked about here was by far the most painful because it represented so much - lifelong dreams finally realised, or so I thought. And they were blown to pieces and I lost everything, including the ability to dream. It's taken me years to believe I could dream again - only now I really have no idea what dreams to choose. I guess one will turn up when it's ready!
I would definitely recommend thinking about letting go of 'stuff' that you really don't love or need. Even a few bits and see how it feels. Start small! Start with easy things and work your way into the more challenging ones.
If you do it, I hope you write about your experience! I'd sure love to read it! Please feel free to tag me so I can cheer you on! 💜