Thank you, my friend...your words mean so much to me. Just when I was wondering a few minutes ago if perhaps this one was a bit too much for readers... you have just given me the confirmation and validation that I needed. It's not my job to worry about what others will think or if my story will be too hard to hear (and I'm well aware that it's not anywhere near as bad as many others' stories!).
All I need to focus on is the good it can do for those who need to know they're not alone. You're right - I want to share so I can be that "evidence" for what's possible, that we can get past this stuff enough to be happy, that we can find the strength that all of us have within us (even if we don't feel it all the time) - and that there is Life After Abuse and Trauma.
Thank you so much for your message, Jo An. It was exactly what I needed right now. Big hugs to you.