Thank you so much for sharing this, Rebecca. I can relate to a lot of what you said, after my own adoption story that wasn't so great, and landed me in a very abusive adopted family.
I hope you won't mind me throwing a few bits of "food for thought" your way? First is that you keep calling yourself "the mistake" throughout this piece. I don't know if you actually think this way outside of having written this, but if you call yourself a mistake, every time you do it you're validating that belief. You incorporate it into every cell of your being. There is no room for healing when your entire being and energy are all about "being a mistake."
Words are so powerful and that energy permeates every part of you.
Also - yes, healing is possible, I know because I've done it. And it begins with changing your thoughts and starting to move from thoughts of always being a mistake to "I am healing a little more every day" or "I'm willing to let go of that feeling." Anything that opens the door to healing.
And thirdly - this one is also extra super important!!! It does not matter AT ALL what anyone else thinks. When we try to get validation from external sources, we are bound to be in trouble because those sources are out of our control. Plus people are fickle and they are imperfect. As soon as you put your own self-esteem and self-worth in the hands of others and their opinions, you're asking to be hurt.
The only opinion that matters is your own. You've got to get to a point of loving, respecting and valuing yourself for the beautiful soul you are. You exist for a reason. You are not an accident. You are not a mistake. It is actually quite an accomplishment for babies to be born as there are numerous processes that can happen along the way to stop it happening.
You are here because you're supposed to be. But the only one who can make you believe that is you.
When you love and respect and honour yourself for all you are (and all you aren't), then it never matters what anyone else thinks and you can't be hurt by their pinhead comments anymore. 💜💜💜