Inspirational | Allegory | Positivity
The Little Problem Who Had a Very Big Dream
But there was one thing standing in his way
“A problem is only a problem if you refuse to look for a solution. If you don’t take action to fix it then it will remain a problem.” — Catherine Pulsifer
Once upon a time, there was a little problem. Like all the other little problems, this one hoped that someday, he would grow up to become a big problem. And if he could be a really lucky little problem, he would get to join the military and one day might even become a Major Disaster.
He had an enormous fear of failure so he paid close attention in class, keeping his vision for the future uppermost in his mind. The first thing he learned was that his mortal enemy was the light. He would be most vulnerable in plain sight, out in the open. He must do his best to remain hidden, where he would feed on the darkness and with any luck, he would grow up to be a big problem someday.
His teacher said his best chance of survival depended upon finding quiet people who had lots of carpets, under which they would stash any problems they could find. With plenty of darkness under carpets, there was…