This is an absolutely exquisite piece, J. You are a remarkable man, one who has obviously not let the deep scars of a painful childhood keep you from being who you were all along. "They" just couldn't see it - wouldn't see it - because of their own wounds.
In all the time I've known you, you've shown me nothing but respect even in difficult circumstances. You are kind and thoughtful, deeply compassionate and sensitive. There's so much goodness inside you.
I'm so sorry that "they" buried your ability to see that for a long time, and I'm so glad that for many years, you've been chipping away at discovering the lovely soul that was hiding under a lot of pain and darkness.
Thank you for sharing this deeply moving and inspiring part of your journey. And thank you, too, for your beautiful mentions of me (how sweet about the monsters!), and for sharing my PFZ piece. You are so kind! 💜