What a fun story - you and your brother hanging out together and he introduces you to the stink bug, and that you grew up playing in a forest - how lovely!
I've heard of stink bugs but not seen one (not that I knew of anyway!). It's actually quite beautiful! The pattern on its back, around the edges - gorgeous!
Personally, I don't think our loved ones actually 'are' the bugs, birds, etc. that show up for us, but I do believe they can nudge them toward us, or send them to us, so to speak, like messengers.
But whichever way it works, I think it's hilarious that Jamie has chosen the stink bug to let you know he's with you! And having one keep showing up in your house - too much fun!
How beautiful that he remains so closely connected with you, and makes sure you know it. I wish I'd had a relationship like that with my brother, but he was an abusive, nasty piece of work right up until the day he died, so for much of our adult lives, I had no relationship with him at all. My choice.
What you and Jamie shared - and still share - is so incredibly precious!
Thank you so much for sharing this sweet story, Catherine, for for choosing HHH to publish. It's really lovely! 💜