Wow - Kumar! What an awful experience for you!! But as you say, ultimately you found blessings and meaning in the situation. A hard way to learn those valuable lessons, though.
Thank you for sharing this. I hope it prevents others from texting while driving (or otherwise being irresponsible about it). But there's no accounting for some people's incredible lack of sense. I saw an episode of Dr. Phil years ago about a teenaged girl who had her license for 4 months. She'd already had several close calls, nearly hitting someone in one incident, causing thousands of dollars damage to the car in a couple of others - and more - all while texting, and refused to see that it was a problem.
Dr Phil even brought on a guy who had been texting while driving and killed a man on a bike. She refused to listen to him, too, figured she was a better driver (despite the above accidents and near misses).
Dr Phil had her do a simulated driving test while texting and she failed miserably.
And STILL said she wasn't going to stop.
Thank heaven you have way more sense than she did/does.