Wow, Sheri! Thank you for this! What a fantastic article on this painful topic. Cripes, you sure whipped it up in a hurry! It's not even 12 hours since I published! And I'm guessing you were asleep through much of that time!
Thank you for another brilliant read. I absolutely love your House of Mirrors concept, and that you highlighted the difference between fact and feelings. I never thought of this before, and you are absolutely right about how the facts are what make us crazy. We tell ourselves "But he's so lovely, he did this for me, he said that to me, blah blah blah" - but then you're left feeling manipulated and guilted - as I did in the particular relationship I'm talking about here. It didn't have to be huge, but I struggled with those feelings during that brief relationship. I kept cutting him slack and thinking maybe I misunderstood, but there was a lot of saying one thing, and then showing me another, even if it was subtle.
Until the day I got the unexpected blast. And in that blast - short as it was because I hung up quickly - there were a lot of blame and victim statements. Exactly as you've described here.
I'm so glad I can now see that whole relationship for what it was. I kept focusing on his qualities - and there are definitely some of those - but that's why it took me so long to move past my feelings for him and see the truth of his behaviour. I wish I could have that phone call back. I'd tell him in no uncertain terms that he's being abusive and manipulative.
Thank you for this brilliant piece, Sheri. Great job - and so fast! I'm impressed! And thank you so, so much for the lovely shoutout and share of my story! You are so kind! 💜