Wow, that's a powerful realisation! And I can understand how you feel. Maybe this will help...your intelligence will shine through anything you write. It's not something that will disappear if you allow yourself to be more light-hearted or playful or creative. It'll just show up in another way! I adore your writing, and I would love to see you use it in a way that lets you be more fully yourself. I would love to see your playful, creative side, the beautiful inner child that wants to express herself.
I'm sure that would be a lot of fun for you to write, and it would sure be fun to read! Being funny and light just for the sake of it is also offering an educational experience for readers. It's just in a different way.
And it's also possible to tell powerful and insightful stories while being creative or and funny. There are lots of brilliant stand-up comedians who do that. They can smack you upside the head with an aha! moment while at the same time being hilarious.
I hope you decide to publish some of those hidden stories that let your inner child come out and play. I'd love to meet her.
Thank you for reading and commenting! I appreciate you so much!